Nine noble families battle for control of the lands of Westeros, and an ancient enemy returns after a millennium of slumber
George R. R.
Martin’s wife once said she would leave him if he killed Arya or Sansa
Tywin Lannister: Any man who has to say “I am king” is not a true king. During the opening credits, each actor’s last name is accompanied by the insignia of their character’s house.
Hollywood Top Ten: Critics Choice Nominees: Drama (2011)
Lead Title (uncredited) Written and performed by Ramin Djawadi. As we prepare for House of the Dragon, we look back at the glory that was Game of Thrones.
A rushed, sloppy, lazy ending and a slap in the face to new and old fans alike
Seasons 1-6 are truly exceptional television, with The Sopranos, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Wire, the best of the best. Season 7 was mediocre, but still somewhat enjoyable, and then came Season 8, which was a mistake of epic proportions.
that defined a decade and changed pop culture forever
That being said, nothing can take away from the wild, wonderful, emotional ride that is Game of Thrones seasons 1-6. I like to believe it was canceled after season 6 and we’ll never see the real ending 😉
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