What Is an Assessment Report?

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A report of assessment is a document that provides a more detailed analysis on a particular topic or issue. Assessment reports are usually written to provide a complete outline of an assessment process however, they can also be used to pinpoint the gaps in knowledge or training needs.

For example an assessment report might include an inventory of http://marketinghome.net/data-room-due-diligence-for-anticipating-all-tricky-moments strengths and weaknesses that are discovered through the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. This information is used to determine development actions that are necessary for an employee. The report of assessment can be shared with the employee’s hierarchy to aid in planning.

Assessment reports can also be used to evaluate the success of a project or program. The evaluation could be conducted by a third party such as an academic institution or professional group. The purpose of the evaluation is to help stakeholders make informed decisions and improve the effectiveness of a program or project.

A report on the evaluation will include an outline of the goals and descriptions of the project or program that is being evaluated. It also includes a summary of the findings and identifies barriers and challenges, and makes recommendations. The evaluation report must be objective and clearly convey its conclusions and findings, with graphs and data tables where appropriate. It should also contain any limitations or caveats to the evaluation. This can be accomplished by ensuring that the evaluation has been well designed and implemented, as well as by including the results of a literature study. The report must be written clearly and concisely, and logically organized, with headings and underheadings.

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